Useful Information and Links
The following is a listing of contacts for emergencies and day-to-day living on the island. We do not endorse any of the services listed, but provide them as a reference to island residents.
(Note: Police, Fire and Medical units will not recognize lot numbers on Johnson’s Island. You must provide your street address and have it posted so that it can be easily seen from the road. Use that address when calling the 911 system.)
- Marblehead Fire Dept. (419) 798-4450
- Marblehead Police (419) 798-5881
- Village Hall (419) 798-4074
- Zoning Inspector (419) 798-5104
Danbury Township
- Police (419) 732-2549
- Township Hall (419) 732-3039
Ottawa County
- Building Standards (419) 734-4431
- Auditor (419) 734-6740
- Sanitary Engineer (419) 734-6725
- Sheriff (419) 734-4404
Coast Guard/Marblehead
- Emergency 911
- Non-Emergency (419) 798-4444
Ohio EPA
- Toxic Chemical and Oil Spills (800) 282-9378
Local Services
- Water Service: McRitchie Water Hauling 419-732-1721
- JIPOA Member Advantage Plan: Has a number of local service providers at discount prices to JIPOA members only.
Listed below are several links to other sites that may be useful to members or visitors to the Island. The Johnson’s Island Property Owners’ Association is not responsible for the availability or content of these sites and does not endorse their products or services.
Local Government
Other Associations and Sites of Interest:
Area Lodging
♦ www.
Local Business Links